Content Handler

This microservice is served with multiple APIs to handle and retrieve the contents (final result) of files translated in the Anuvaad system.


Common Information

Some common info that is applicable to save, update operations on translations.

Workflow Code

  • WF_S_TR and WF_S_TKTR: Changes the sentence structure, hence s0 pair needs to be updated.

  • DP_WFLOW_S_C: Doesn't change the sentence structure, hence no need to update the s0 pair.

Sentence Keys

  • s0_src: Source sentence extracted from the file.

  • s0_tgt: Sentence translation from NMT.

  • tgt: Translation updated by the user (User translation). (Source may vary if the user edits the input document, or else it keeps the same as s0_src).

File Content Modules


API to save translated documents. The JSON request object is generated from block-merger and later updated by tokenizer and translator. This API is used internally.

Mandatory parameters: userid, pages, record_id, src_lang, tgt_lang


  • Validating input parameters as per the policies.

  • The document to be saved is converted into blocks.

  • Block can be of type images, lines, text_blocks, etc.

  • Every block is created with UUID.

  • Saving blocks in the database.

SaveFileContent CURL Request
curl --location --request POST 'http://gateway_anuvaad-content-handler:5001/anuvaad/content-handler/v0/save-content' \
--header 'userid: 06b5419ab0f14669b1dff654533416411608108799138' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
  "file_locale": "en",
  "record_id": "FC-BM-TOK-TRANS-1601531696387|0-16015317191287522.json",
  "src_lang": "en",
  "tgt_lang": "hi",
  "pages": [
      "images": [],
      "lines": [],
      "page_height": 1188,
      "page_no": 1,
      "page_width": 918,
      "text_blocks": [
          "attrib": null,
          "avg_line_height": 15,
          "block_id": "ae3165c2-03aa-11eb-a840-02420a00032e-0",
          "block_identifier": "24610b3f-c0fd-4cbf-9597-1c037e84fc70",
          "children": [
              "attrib": "HEADER",
              "block_id": "ae3165c2-03aa-11eb-a840-02420a00032e-0-0",
              "children": null,
              "font_color": "#000000",
              "font_family": "ArialMT",
              "font_size": 13,
              "text": "Consulting Manager: Sample manager",
              "text_height": 15,
              "text_left": 108,
              "text_top": 63,
              "text_width": 293
          "data_type": "text_blocks",
          "file_locale": "68072f3c-c57a-4f62-a7fc-42ed6f776c1e",
          "font_color": "#000000",
          "font_family": "ArialMT",
          "font_size": 13,
          "job_id": "",
          "page_info": {
            "page_height": 1188,
            "page_no": 1,
            "page_width": 918
          "record_id": "FC-BM-TOK-TRANS-1601531696387|0-16015317191287522.json",
          "text": " Consulting Manager: Sample Manager  Phone: +91-1234567898/+91-80 123456 Email:  ​ ",
          "text_height": 47,
          "text_left": 108,
          "text_top": 63,
          "text_width": 293,
          "tokenized_sentences": [
              "input_subwords": "['▁Consult', 'ing', '▁Manager', '▁:']",
              "n_id": "FC-BM-TOK-TRANS-1601531696387|0-16015317191287522.json|1|ae3165c2-03aa-11eb-a840-02420a00032e-0",
              "output_subwords": "['▁परामर्श', '▁प्रबंधक', 'ः']",
              "pred_score": -0.8280696868896484,
              "s_id": "94695768-5976-4fdc-853d-9aa49630ce77",
              "src": "Consulting Manager:",
              "tagged_src": "Consulting Manager:",
              "tagged_tgt": "परामर्श प्रबंधकः",
              "tgt": "परामर्श प्रबंधकः"
          "underline": 1


API to fetch back the documents. The response object would be an array of pages, with pagination enabled. RBAC enabled.

Mandatory parameters: start_page, end_page, record_id


  • Validating input parameters as per the policies.

  • Fetching back the blocks as per the page number requested.

GetFileContent CURL Request
curl --location --request GET '' \
--header 'auth-token: eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyTmFtZSI6ImphaW55LmpveUB0YXJlbnRvLmNvbSIsInBhc3N3b3JkIjoiYickMmIkMTIkNzJjY1ZFRmNIcC9qSkg5dzBGMXFTdU5ZQlNXQThSMzdRak1zdm8wN01rMnNYeVI2N24xRlcnIiwiZXhwIjoxNjIzNzY5Njg0fQ.a6gaxGvG-yCLrE6qeTshf2V8j_S44-U6obgWyyHZRK8'


API to update the block content; triggered on split, merge, re-translate operations. Used internally.

Mandatory parameters: record_id, user_id, blocks, workflowCode


  • Validating input parameters as per the policies.

  • Updating the list of blocks.

UpdateFileContent CURL Request
curl --location --request POST 'http://gateway_anuvaad-content-handler:5001//anuvaad/content-handler/v0/update-content' \
--header 'userid: kd' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
  "record_id": "FC-BM-TOK-TRANS-1601531696387|0-16015317191287522.json",
  "blocks": [
      "attrib": null,
      "avg_line_height": 15,
      "block_id": "ae3165c2-03aa-11eb-a840-02420a00032e-0",
      "block_identifier": "24610b3f-c0fd-4cbf-9597-1c037e84fc70",
      "children": [
          "attrib": "HEADER",
          "block_id": "ae3165c2-03aa-11eb-a840-02420a00032e-0-0",
          "children": null,
          "font_color": "#000000",
          "font_family": "ArialMT",
          "font_size": 13,
          "text": "Consulting Manager: Sample Manager",
          "text_height": 15,
          "text_left": 108,
          "text_top": 63,
          "text_width": 293
      "data_type": "text_blocks",
      "file_locale": "68072f3c-c57a-4f62-a7fc-42ed6f776c1e",
      "font_color": "#000000",
      "font_family": "ArialMT",
      "font_size": 13,
      "job_id": "",
      "page_info": {
        "page_height": 1188,
        "page_no": 1,
        "page_width": 918
      "record_id": "FC-BM-TOK-TRANS-1601531696387|0-16015317191287522.json",
      "text": " Consulting Manager: Sample Manager  Phone: +91-1234567898/+91-80 123456 Email:  ​ ",
      "text_height": 47,
      "text_left": 108,
      "text_top": 63,
      "text_width": 293,
      "tokenized_sentences": [
          "input_subwords": "['▁Consult', 'ing', '▁Manager', '▁:']",
          "n_id": "FC-BM-TOK-TRANS-1601531696387|0-16015317191287522.json|1|ae3165c2-03aa-11eb-a840-02420a00032e-0",
          "output_subwords": "['▁परामर्श', '▁प्रबंधक', 'ः']",
          "pred_score": -0.8280696868896484,
          "s_id": "94695768-5976-4fdc-853d-9aa49630ce77",
          "src": "Consulting Manager:",
          "tagged_src": "Consulting Manager:",
          "tagged_tgt": "परामर्श प्रबंधकः",
          "tgt": "परामर्श प्रबंधकः"
      "underline": 1


Internal API to store S3 link references to translated documents (on docx flow).

Mandatory parameters: job_id, file_link


  • Validating input parameters as per the policies.

  • Storing records in the database.

SaveFileContentReferences CURL Request
curl --location --request POST 'http://gateway_anuvaad-content-handler:5001//anuvaad/content-handler/v0/ref-link/store' \
--header 'ad-userid: kd' \
--header 'userid: kd' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
  "records": [
      "job_id": "abc1",
      "file_link": {
        "HTML": {
          "LIBRE": "",
          "PDFTOHTML": ""
        "PDF": {
          "LIBRE": ""


API to fetch back the S3 link for docx files. RBAC enabled.

Mandatory parameters: job_ids


  • Validating input parameters as per the policies.

  • Fetching back the data from the database.

GetFileContentReferences CURL Request
curl --location --request POST '' \
--header 'auth-token: eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyTmFtZSI6ImphaW55LmpveUB0YXJlbnRvLmNvbSIsIkphaW55QDEyMyI6ImInJDJiJDEyJDk2YzRMb0ZCTG05ZU1XVlJXNVFzTE9ydTlLZVc1emJnVnBhaFouclBuYnFReU96YUNDMFVpJyIsImV4cCI6MTY0MDY3MDg4N30.R0zEJyEeXhOZ41TnsPTD0rFov3kPmUVfL_DdOxKU0QI' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{"job_ids":["A_FTTTR-cSCim-1632805831132"]}'

Sentence Modules


API to store user translations. RBAC enabled.

Mandatory parameters: sentences, workflowCode, user_id


  • Validating input parameters as per the policies.

  • Updating the sentence blocks.

  • Saved sentences are always updated with "save": true flag.

  • Saved sentences are also saved in the Redis store for Sentence Memory.

SaveSentence CURL Request
curl --location --request POST '' \
--header 'auth-token: eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyTmFtZSI6ImphaW55LmpveUB0YXJlbnRvLmNvbSIsInBhc3N3b3JkIjoiYickMmIkMTIkaXJXU2xrdjFDSWUzNzJZMzZiWlhFdTdKSDQ0QlViR2d2QlVSMW5OMXJxNEEuMWpuQ0JsTi4nIiwiZXhwIjoxNjEzNzM5NTI5fQ.g-JLNqFen-ol3y40OAFA82q1pi-b3BDSGtoWi-OyjhA' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{"workflowCode":"DP_WFLOW_S_C",
"sentences": [
    "bleu_score": 1,
    "n_id": "",
    "s0_src": "He was released on bail on the 1st of December. We used to go there to bail out the old man.",
    "s0_tgt": "उन्हें 1 दिसंबर को जमानत पर रिहा कर दिया गया था। हम वहां पुराने आदमी को जमानत देने जाते थे।",
    "s_id": "4e412457-e357-419b-b477-1676b314afd5",
    "save": true,
    "src": "He was released on bail on the 1st of December. We used to go there to bail out the old man.",
    "src_lang": "en",
    "tagged_src": "He was released on bail on the NnUuMm०st of December. We used to go there to bail out the old man.",
    "tagged_tgt": "उन्हें NnUuMm० दिसंबर को जमानत पर रिहा कर दिया गया था। हम वहां पुराने आदमी को जमानत देने जाते थे।",
    "tgt": "उन्हें 1 दि��ंबर को जमानत पर रिहा कर दिया गया था। हम वहां पुराने आदमी को जमानत देने जाते थे।",
    "tgt_lang": "hi",
    "time_spent_ms": 6797,
    "tmx_phrases": []


Bulk API to fetch back sentences. RBAC enabled.

Mandatory parameters: sentences, record_id, block_identifier, s_id


  • Validating input parameters as per the policies.

  • Returning back an array of sentences searched for.

FetchSentence CURL Request
curl --location --request POST '' \
--header 'auth-token: eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyTmFtZSI6Imt1bWFyLmRlZXBha0B0YXJlbnRvLmNvbSIsInBhc3N3b3JkIjoiYickMmIkMTIkTWVEZzhpUGY3dWJFR21jbDRaNUE3dUo0bEk4VEdJcVpzL3R4ckJZOF

Last updated