
A Python package that provides standardized logging and error handling for the Anuvaad dataflow pipeline. This package serves features like session tracing, job tracing, error debugging, and troubleshooting.



  • Python 3.7

Source code: GitHub Repository


pip install anuvaad-auditor==0.1.6


This part of the library provides features for logging by exposing the following functions:

Import file:

from anuvaad_auditor import loghandler



Logs INFO level information.

loghandler.log_info(<str(message)>, <json(input_object)>)


Logs DEBUG level information.

loghandler.log_debug(<str(message)>, <json(input_object)>)


Logs ERROR level information. Should be used for logical errors like “File is not valid”, “File format not accepted” etc.

loghandler.log_error(<str(error_message)>, <json(input_object)>, <exception_object>)


Logs EXCEPTION level information. Should be used in case of exceptions like “TypeError”, “KeyError” etc.

loghandler.log_exception(<str(exception_message)>, <json(input_object)>, <exception_object>)


  • In all the functions, message and input-object are mandatory.

  • These functions build an object using these parameters and index them to Elasticsearch for easy tracing.

  • Ensure all major functions have a log_info call, all exceptions have log_exception calls, and all logical errors have log_error calls.

Error Handling

This part of the library provides features for standardizing and indexing the error objects of the pipeline.

Import file:

from anuvaad_auditor import errorhandler



Returns a standard error object for replying back to the client during a SYNC call and indexes the error to an error index.

errorhandler.post_error(<str(error_code)>, <str(error_msg)>, <exception_object>)


Constructs a standard error object which will be indexed to a different error index and PUSHES THE ERROR TO WFM internally.

errorhandler.post_error_wf(<str(error_code)>, <str(error_msg)>, <json(input_object)>, <exception_object>)

Usage Notes:

  • Use post_error_wf for flows triggered via Kafka or REST through WFM.

  • Ensure both log functions and error functions are used in case of exceptions or errors.

  • Errors are indexed to two different indexes: Error index and Audit Index.

  • Use post_error_wf carefully, as this method will take the entire job to FAILED state.

Example Usage

from anuvaad_auditor.loghandler import log_info, log_debug, log_error, log_exception
from anuvaad_auditor.errorhandler import post_error, post_error_wf

def example_function():
    input_object = {"example": "data"}
        log_info("Starting example function", input_object)
        # Your code logic here
        raise KeyError('A sample key error')
    except KeyError as ke:
        log_exception("Caught a KeyError", input_object, ke)
        error_obj = post_error("KEY_ERROR", "KeyError occurred in example function", ke)
        return error_obj
    except Exception as e:
        log_exception("An unexpected error occurred", input_object, e)
        error_obj = post_error_wf("UNEXPECTED_ERROR", "Unexpected error in example function", input_object, e)
        return error_obj


Current Version

anuvaad-auditor==0.1.1 - Please use this version.

Last updated